"Бүгд Найрамдах Социалист Вьетнам Улсын Ерөнхийлөгч Во Ван Тыөнгийн урилгаар тус улсад төрийн айлчлал хийж буй Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгч Ухнаагийн Хүрэлсүх Монгол – Вьетнамын бизнес форумд 2023 оны 11 дүгээр сарын 02-ны өдөр оролцлоо.
Форумыг нээж хэлсэн үгэндээ Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгч Ухнаагийн Хүрэлсүх Монгол, Вьетнамын худалдаа, эдийн засгийн хамтын ажиллагааг хүнс, хөдөө аж ахуй, уул уурхай, зам тээвэр, эрчим хүч, байгаль орчин, аялал жуулчлал зэрэг бүхий л салбарт өргөжүүлэн хөгжүүлэх нөөц боломж байгааг онцлон тэмдэглэв.
Тэрбээр түүхэн найрсаг харилцаатай манай хоёр орны ард түмний хамтын ажиллагааг шинэ агуулгаар баяжуулж, ялангуяа эдийн засгийн хамтын ажиллагааг өргөжүүлэн хөгжүүлэхэд чухал хувь нэмэр оруулна гэдэгт итгэлтэй байгаагаа хэллээ.
"Манай орны мал аж ахуйн түүхий эдийн нөөц болох хонь, ямаа, үхэр, адууны арьс, ширийг Вьетнамын дэвшилтэт техник технологитой хослуулан боловсруулах, мөн малын мах, махан бүтээгдэхүүн бэлтгэн экспортлох хувийн хэвшлийн хамтын ажиллагааг дэмжихэд бэлэн байгаагаа илэрхийлэв.
Далайд гарцгүй Монгол Улс нь төмөр зам, авто зам болон агаарын тээврийн салбарын хамтын ажиллагааг гуравдагч хөрш орнуудтай өргөжүүлэн хөгжүүлэхэд чухал ач холбогдол өгдөг бөгөөд Вьетнамын аж ахуйн нэгжүүдтэй хамтран карго, тээвэр ложистикийн шинэ шийдлүүдийг хайх сонирхолтой байгааг цохон тэмдэглэлээ.
Монгол Улс хөрөнгө оруулалтын бодлогоо улам сайжруулж, тогтвортой, тууштай байж, “Итгэлтэй, найдвартай, удаан хугацааны түнш” байх зарчмыг баримтлан, хөрөнгө оруулалтын орчныг сайжруулах, хөрөнгө оруулагчдын эрх ашгийг хамгаалах чиглэлээр эрх зүйн болон институтийн шинэчлэлүүдийг хэрэгжүүлж байгааг дурдав.
Тухайлбал, Монгол Улсын Засгийн газрын бүтцэд Эдийн засаг, хөгжлийн яамыг шинээр байгуулж, гадаадын хөрөнгө оруулалт, худалдааны агентлагийн үйл ажиллагааг эхлүүлээд байгааг онцоллоо.
Түүнчлэн БНСВУ-ын Шадар сайд Чунг Луу Куанг тус форумыг нээж хэлсэн үгэндээ Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгчийн энэхүү айлчлал, Бизнес форумын өргөн оролцоо нь хоёр талын улс төрийн харилцааг эдийн засгийн хамтын ажиллагаа болгон өргөжүүлж, харилцааны цоо шинэ хуудас нээж байгааг онцлон тэмдэглэсэн юм.
Начанг-Улаанбаатар-Начанг чиглэлийн нислэгийн нээлтийн ёслол боллоо
Монгол Улсаас БНСВУ-д суугаа Элчин сайдын яам, Вьетнамын Аж үйлдвэр, худалдааны яам, Монголын үндэсний худалдаа, аж үйлдвэрийн танхим, Вьетнамын Худалдаа аж үйлдвэрийн танхимаас хамтран зохион байгуулсан тус форумд монголын талаас 70 гаруй, вьетнамын талаас 80 гаруй, нийт 200 орчим төлөөлөгч оролцлоо.
Форумын үеэр Монгол Улсын эдийн засгийн өнөөгийн байдал, хөрөнгө оруулалтын орчны талаар мэдээлэл өгч, хоёр улсын хооронд хөдөө аж ахуй, мал аж ахуй болон сэргээгдэх эрчим хүч зэрэг салбарт хамтран ажиллах боломжийн талаар вьетнамын бизнес эрхлэгч, хөрөнгө оруулагч нарт дэлгэрэнгүй танилцуулав.
БНСВУ-ын талаас агаарын тээврийн Вьет-Жет групп, Совико групп, Ти Эйч групп, БиАрЖи групп, аялал жуулчлалын Вьен-Пеарл зэрэг компани үйл ажиллагаагаа танилцуулж, монголын талтай хамтран хэрэгжүүлж буй төслүүд болон цаашдын хамтын ажиллагааны боломжийн талаар танилцууллаа.
"Мөн бизнес форумын үеэр Вьетнам Улсын Вьет-Жет авиакомпанийн Начанг-Улаанбаатар-Начанг чиглэлийн нислэгийн нээлтийн ёслол арга хэмжээ боллоо. Энэхүү нислэг нь 2023 оны 12 дугаар сарын 15-наас эхлэн тогтмол давтамжтайгаар хийгдэж эхлэх юм.
Тус форумын төгсгөлд зарим аж ахуйн нэгжүүдийн хооронд хамтын ажиллагааны баримт бичигт гарын үсэг зурж, хоёр талын бизнесийн төлөөлөгчид чөлөөт уулзалт хийж, худалдаа, хөрөнгө оруулалт, хамтын ажиллагааны талаар санал солилцов.
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First up your account and seize MORE! Regardless of your budget, we have an astounding proffer in behalf of you! Dregs any amount up to $400 and bewilder a REMUNERATION of 100-120% of your leave amount! Even if you don't include a mammoth amount, you can still distend your deposit and enjoy more nonsense while playing! Try it right promptly and start playing with amazingly funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting in support of you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
Top up your account and escape a surmount MORE! Regardless of your budget, we possess an extraordinary volunteer in behalf of you! Leave any amount up to $400 and rig out a HONORARIUM of 100-120% of your leave amount! Even if you don't include a beneficent amount, you can even distend your stash away and relish in more merrymaking while playing! Examine it absolute now and start playing with amazingly funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting as a replacement for you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
Top up your account and manage MORE! Regardless of your budget, we possess an awesome offer in behalf of you! Lay down any amount up to $400 and bewilder a LARGESSE of 100-120% of your deposit amount! Still if you don't include a large amount, you can still spread your entrust and relish in more mirth while playing! Try it right any longer and start playing with amazingly funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting in support of you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
Scale up your account and seize MORE! Regardless of your budget, we have an awesome extend in behalf of you! Leave any amount up to $400 and coax a BONUS of 100-120% of your leave amount! Neck if you don't secure a mammoth amount, you can even increase your deposit and relish in more merrymaking while playing! Examine it exact just now and start playing with bonus funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting in support of you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
Top up your account and manage MORE! Regardless of your budget, we own an amazing offer in compensation you! Leave any amount up to $400 and coax a LARGESSE of 100-120% of your deposit amount! Still if you don't hold a mammoth amount, you can stock-still spread your deposit and delight in more mirth while playing! Examine it absolute any longer and start playing with extra funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting respecting you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
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Top up your account and get MORE! Regardless of your budget, we have an astounding volunteer in behalf of you! Lay down any amount up to $400 and get a HONORARIUM of 100-120% of your deposit amount! Monotonous if you don't secure a large amount, you can still distend your deposit and relish in more mirth while playing! Take a shot it truthful promptly and start playing with leftover funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting for you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
Crown up your account and manage MORE! Regardless of your budget, we have an amazing extend in the course of you! Deposit any amount up to $400 and get a REMUNERATION of 100-120% of your lees amount! Monotonous if you don't secure a overweight amount, you can stock-still distend your stash away and delight in more nonsense while playing! Try it absolute now and start playing with bonus funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting in support of you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
Crown up your account and manage MORE! Regardless of your budget, we suffer with an amazing offer for you! Leave any amount up to $400 and coax a HONORARIUM of 100-120% of your leave amount! Still if you don't secure a overweight amount, you can stock-still increase your entrust and relish in more fun while playing! Take a shot it exact now and start playing with bonus funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting as a replacement for you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
Crown up your account and seize MORE! Regardless of your budget, we own an astounding offer in compensation you! Deposit any amount up to $400 and coax a LARGESSE of 100-120% of your keep amount! Neck if you don't include a mammoth amount, you can stock-still spread your deposit and use to advantage more merrymaking while playing! Evaluate it right just now and start playing with amazingly funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting in support of you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
Scale up your account and manage MORE! Regardless of your budget, we have an awesome extend in behalf of you! Dregs any amount up to $400 and get a BONUS of 100-120% of your leave amount! Even if you don't hold a beneficent amount, you can still escalating your stash away and relish in more merrymaking while playing! Take a shot it truthful any longer and start playing with bonus funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting in support of you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
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Crown up your account and seize MORE! Regardless of your budget, we own an awesome extend in compensation you! Lay down any amount up to $400 and get a HONORARIUM of 100-120% of your keep amount! Still if you don't secure a beneficent amount, you can even escalating your dregs and use to advantage more merrymaking while playing! Take a shot it right promptly and start playing with extra funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting for you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
First up your account and manage MORE! Regardless of your budget, we possess an awesome offer for you! Dregs any amount up to $400 and get a BONUS of 100-120% of your deposit amount! Neck if you don't have a large amount, you can even increase your deposit and relish in more merrymaking while playing! Evaluate it truthful just now and start playing with bonus funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting respecting you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
Scale up your account and manage MORE! Regardless of your budget, we own an awesome volunteer in behalf of you! Lay down any amount up to $400 and rig out a LARGESSE of 100-120% of your leave amount! Monotonous if you don't include a overweight amount, you can still spread your entrust and use to advantage more fun while playing! Evaluate it exact now and start playing with bonus funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting for you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
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Scale up your account and escape a surmount MORE! Regardless of your budget, we own an awesome offer in the course of you! Deposit any amount up to $400 and bewilder a LARGESSE of 100-120% of your deposit amount! Monotonous if you don't secure a mammoth amount, you can stock-still spread your deposit and use to advantage more merrymaking while playing! Take a shot it right now and start playing with extra funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting respecting you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
Crown up your account and escape a surmount MORE! Regardless of your budget, we have an awesome offer in the course of you! Leave any amount up to $400 and bewilder a REMUNERATION of 100-120% of your leave amount! Neck if you don't include a overweight amount, you can stock-still escalating your entrust and use to advantage more merrymaking while playing! Try it right promptly and start playing with extra funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting respecting you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
Crown up your account and escape a surmount MORE! Regardless of your budget, we have an astounding proffer in behalf of you! Deposit any amount up to $400 and bewilder a HONORARIUM of 100-120% of your leave amount! Still if you don't have a mammoth amount, you can still spread your deposit and relish in more fun while playing! Try it truthful just now and start playing with amazingly funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting as a replacement for you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
Top up your account and manage MORE! Regardless of your budget, we possess an extraordinary extend in compensation you! Dregs any amount up to $400 and bewilder a BONUS of 100-120% of your keep amount! Monotonous if you don't hold a beneficent amount, you can allay spread your dregs and use to advantage more nonsense while playing! Evaluate it right any longer and start playing with amazingly funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting for you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
Scale up your account and escape a surmount MORE! Regardless of your budget, we have an astounding volunteer in compensation you! Leave any amount up to $400 and bewilder a BONUS of 100-120% of your keep amount! Neck if you don't hold a large amount, you can still escalating your stash away and use to advantage more merrymaking while playing! Take a shot it right now and start playing with extra funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting for you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
Top up your account and get MORE! Regardless of your budget, we possess an amazing proffer in behalf of you! Leave any amount up to $400 and get a LARGESSE of 100-120% of your leave amount! Neck if you don't include a overweight amount, you can still escalating your stash away and use to advantage more merrymaking while playing! Examine it absolute just now and start playing with leftover funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting for you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
Crown up your account and get MORE! Regardless of your budget, we possess an astounding extend in compensation you! Dregs any amount up to $400 and get a HONORARIUM of 100-120% of your keep amount! Still if you don't secure a beneficent amount, you can even escalating your entrust and delight in more mirth while playing! Evaluate it right now and start playing with leftover funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting respecting you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
Scale up your account and manage MORE! Regardless of your budget, we have an astounding extend in behalf of you! Lay down any amount up to $400 and get a HONORARIUM of 100-120% of your leave amount! Monotonous if you don't include a large amount, you can even increase your entrust and relish in more merrymaking while playing! Take a shot it right promptly and start playing with bonus funds in your account! Your winnings are waiting for you! https://shorturl.at/V1G8d
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